What customers say

We are proud that we had been chosen to play a major role in some of our worlds most innovative ventures. For this, we thank our customers for their highest trust in our design engineering expertise.

Thank you!



„Martin is one of the best consultants we ever had“ – Carsten F. Project Manager / Electronic Lead.

„It had been a huge help to work with Martin. We never had such a clear picture of this device“ Robin L. Software Architect / Lead.

„We are so glad we found Light Art Vision. There is nobody else in this world who could have provided us with such a cool battery chemistry analyzer“ Alex M. Project Manager / Electronic Lead.

„We had investigating into this design flaw forever. Now Martin finally found it and we never had problems anymore since.“ Gaël N. Project Manager / Electronic Lead.

„If we would have had Martin in the first place, we probably would have safed Millions“ Roman H. Associate Director


„I didn’t think you get this thing running that fast“ Heiko B. Head of Product Development HW/SW


„This is a very innovative sensor system you came up with here! Lets make a patent“ Safer M. Vice President Saurer Technology Center


„Ohne Dich und Deine Jahrelange Elektronik Erfahrung hätten wir den Rotormotor nie so stabil hinbekommen“ Christian M. Project Manager

„Deiner ist jetzt der aller erste Geräteträger der auf Anhieb sämtliche EMV Tests bestanden hat.“ Rolf K. Senior Electronic Lead

„We knew that you are a brilliant engineer, but that you even got this telematic modul talk to google maps blew us away!“ Andreas S. devision Manager.

„Mit den Ladegeräten die Sie für uns entwickelten und an uns liefern hatten wir noch nie Probleme. Wenn nur alle Lieferanten solche Qualität liefern würden“ Steffen R. Projektmanager.